SASSA Increased The Amount of Grants in 2025 | Official List
South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) plays an indispensable role in providing millions of South Africans with financial support, with annual adjustments made to social grants to account for inflation and other economic factors. For 2025, SASSA announced increased grants across its grant portfolio.
Increase in SASSA Grants
Our SASSA increases 2025 were carefully designed to provide immediate relief while simultaneously planning for further adjustments later. Below is an outline of these increases for every type of grant:

Old Age Pension (Older Persons Grant)
Over the next year, Old Age Pension will experience an overall increase of R100:
Disability Grant
Disability Grant will also increase by R100 over the year:
Care Dependency Grant
Like its Disability counterpart, the Care Dependency Grant will experience an overall increase of R100:
War Veterans Grant
The War Veterans Grant will experience an increase of R100:
Foster Child Grant
Starting April 1 2025, Foster Child Grant amounts have increased by R50 annually, reaching R1180 per month as of April 1, 2025.
Child Support Grant
On April 1, 2025, the Child Support Grant witnessed an increase of R20 per month, increasing it to its current amount of R530 per month. The ones that are receiving additional top-ups are now paying an aggregate monthly bill totaling R780.
Social Relief of Distress (SRD) Grant
The SRD grant was also raised to provide temporary financial aid for people in dire need. It now stands at R370.
On March 14 2025, the Minister of Social Development issued and officially gazetted an extension of the SRD grant until 2025, impacting over 9 million individuals who depend upon this support for survival.
How to Access the Increased Grants?
Beneficiaries don’t need to take any special action to receive increased grant amounts. Adjustments have already automatically taken effect from April 2025. To prevent delays and disruptions in payment, beneficiaries should make sure their personal and banking details remain updated at SASSA.