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How To Change Contact Details SASSA SRD R370 (Guide)

To guarantee a seamless and continuous flow of grant payments, you must maintain updated contact details with the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA).

change of contact details in SASSA SRD R370 application

If you need to update your contact information or have misplaced or lost your previous phone number, SASSA offers a hassle-free way. Let us explore the SASSA Status Check Change Number in detail.

SASSA Status Check (SRD)

Common Reason To Change

You may need to update your SASSA phone number for several reasons.

  • You may have had your mobile phone stolen or misplaced, in which case you would need to get a new one
  • Maybe you switched SIM cards; the one you had before is registered with SASSA
  • Alternatively, you might have entered the wrong phone number when submitting your grant application or may have used someone else’s number and can now not access it

For any reason, you must promptly change your contact information with SASSA to avoid missing any important notifications or delaying grant payments.

Methods to Change Contact Details

There are various official methods that can help you in changing or updating the SASSA SRD R370 contact details in application. We’ve mentioned easy and effective methods to change/update the contact details.

SASSA Website

Official website of SASSA is best option to change or update the contact details in SRD R370 application. You can also change your contact information (Phone Number, Email, Whatsapp Number) for any SASSA grant by visiting the official website.

Here is how you can change your contact details;

  • Go to the “Update Contact Details” page on the SASSA website
  • Enter both your Application ID and your 13-digit South African ID number
  • Fill out the form, making sure your information is correct
  • You will be taken to a new form where you may update your phone number and confirm your email address
  • From the choices provided, choose why you are changing your phone number
  • To confirm your new phone number, enter the One-Time Pin (OTP) sent to it

SASSA will notify you when your phone number is successfully changed, and any correspondence about the grant afterward will be forwarded to your new contact number.

Call SASSA Official Helpline

SASSA also offers an offline way to update your phone number if you would rather take a more personal approach or run into problems with the online process. Just follow the below-listed steps:

  • Call the SASSA helpdesk at 0800 60 10 11
  • Tell the agent you need to change the phone number on your SASSA application
  • To confirm your identification, provide the phone number you provided when submitting your grant application and your South African ID
  • Turn in any more paperwork the representative requests
  • The agent will ask to update your phone number as soon as your identity is confirmed

Your new contact information may take a few days for SASSA to process and update, but you will be informed as soon as the change is made.

Notifications of payment and grant updates require an active phone number. You cannot receive crucial information about your SASSA grant right away if you don’t have an updated number.

Contacting the SASSA call center or going to your closest SASSA office will allow you to update your SASSA phone number without internet access. Both approaches need identification confirmation.

You can get your application ID back from the SASSA website by providing your previous mobile and South African ID numbers. You can update your contact details by clicking on your six-digit application ID.

No, you have a 24-hour window to make one request to update your contacts.

After filing the request online or in person with SASSA, your phone number should take two to five business days to be updated. It will be confirmed by text message when it is updated.


It’s important to keep your contact information up to date with SASSA to ensure that grant payments continue to flow smoothly and to guarantee that you receive relevant updates. Maintaining up-to-date contact details with SASSA can help to guarantee a smooth grant experience.

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