
How to Report a Wrong Number Fraudulent in SASSA Account?

In case you note another number, which is unfamiliar to you in the SASSA website once you have logged in, then you may exchange your contact details with a fraudster.ย ย 

Unauthorized changes like this should be reported at once so that the person who did it maybe a criminal can be arrested. 

Follow these steps:ย ย 

1. Go to the SASSA Security Concerns Page HIV the URL for reporting unauthorized changes is avails at srd.sassa.gov.za/sc19/auth.ย 

2. Enter Your ID Number It will be possible to enter your 13-digit ID number and you are to state that, your phone number was changed without your consent.ย ย 

3. Contact SASSA Directly The moment you report the alteration to the website formally, you should then phone the SASSA helpdesk on 0800 601 011.ย ย 

Tell them exactly what they can do so that they can promptly launch an inquiry and lock your account.  

Here Is a Guide To: Change Banking Details in SASSA

It is incredibly significant to act promptly and report the observed attempt at fraud to SASSA. Like that, you can initiate measures to suppress other criminal activities and thus protect your grant. 

Avoid sharing your identity number with anyone unless you called the people yourself. Avoid getting into contact with any call/email that claims to be from SASSA because they will request for your private details.  

Visit: SRD Status Check

Sassa urges beneficiaries to avoid falling prey to scammers and being duped into providing their details at other websites other than the official srd.sassa.gov.za update.  

If you do not get a chance to talk to the hotline, therefore, you can make a date to visit the physical SASSA office. It is essential to update your contact details with SASSA so as not to miss any resource and support that comes with the SRD grant program. It seems complicated at times which is why it helps to break the process down into manageable steps.  

If there is more that you would like to know about updating your mobile number or reporting fraud contact SASSA directly.

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One Comment

  1. I just want to appeal for December 2024 because someone send he’s money on my bank account by mistake and now i don’t have nothing

    So i need help about it place

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